I wish that they will prosper as ever, I wish that thier hapiness will last as they have been, I wish that he will notice his own incapability and regrets that he sacrifices many innocent people. I wish.....
きゃー、外人だ外人だ外人......なんだ、立花さんか。 wishと言えばヤハリwish you were hereでしょう、うんうん。<?
>きゃー、外人だ外人だ外人......なんだ、立花さんか。 ミドリキョジンはやっぱり外人になるのかね。>アキラ >wishと言えばヤハリwish you were hereでしょう、うんうん。<? Learning to flyってのも好き。 Blood / This Mortal Coil
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